Parsley and Radish Top Sauerkraut

By Ellen Goldsmith

Image: @stewi

The Emerging Abundance of May

The merry month of May bridges the unpredictable weather of early spring with the warmth and heat of summer is just that replete with abundant spring growth. The month of May is thought to have been named after the Roman goddess Maia, who embodied the concept of growth.

In the Chinese seasonal calendar of this period (Bearded Grain -May 21st) the weather continues to vary between a morning chilliness, afternoon warmth, sun, rain and clouds. The earth produces an abundance of green vegetables from asparagus to leafy greens to fava beans, pungent radishes, wild greens and fiddleheads, dandelion greens, pea shoots, rhubarb and more.

For us humans, we too can mimic the full energy of May nourishing our body, mind and spirit with foods, activity and relationships. But first, let’s look at what might inhibit our well being. Of course, the external climate that may continue to be cool, or chilly and damp needs to be balanced. So, we can keep an outer layer to protect us from fluctuating temperatures, keep our home environments clean and free from dampness (try a dehumidifier if you live a in a damp climate) and try to avoid cold and damp foods that contribute to contracting our internal energy.

Flavors Have Impact

Of course we all love delicious foods! Why not explore the inherent delight of flavor found in the foods that abound in May? Try some foods that are mildly bitter, which helps to clear out internal dampness, found in foods such as asparagus, dandelion greens, rhubarb and green tea.

Include some mildy sour ( such as new strawberries)  and fermented foods to support your gut health (see the recipe below!) And continue to eat foods that support your stomach and spleen network that are bland and sweet (whole grains, yi yi ren (Job’s tears) and tofu.

Try to resist the American tradition of sipping icy drinks in the heat, which also contracts and congeals our internal energy. Instead try room temperature water or warm herbal and green teas.

And, now for the recipe of the month. 

I love to create condiments that can be added to any meal, especially when you are serving a family and people with different preferences. This simple  Parsley and Radith Top Sauerkraut  is delightful with fresh herbs and greens. Feel free to use different pungent greens in place of the parsley and radish tops: try arugula, mustard greens, baby greens or stemmed tender kale leaves.


Parsley and Radish Top Sauerkraut

In many countries, fermented foods are made using a little bit of the leftovers from a previous batch . Here, sauerkraut juice acts as the starter . You may think this is a ton of greens, but fermentation greatly decreases their volume . Serve this condiment with any meal to increase your digestive juices .


  • 1 cup packed coarsely chopped fresh parsley

  • 1 cup packed thinly sliced radish tops (leaves and stems)

  • 1 tbsp sauerkraut juice (from unpasteurized sauerkraut; store­-bought or homemade)

  • 1 tsp kosher or non-­iodized sea salt

Preparation Instructions

  1. In jar, combine parsley and radish tops. Sprinkle with sauerkraut juice and salt. Cover loosely with lid and let stand at room temperature for 24 hours before serving.

  2. To store, using the back of a spoon, press parsley mixture down until submerged in liquid. Refrigerate in sealed jar for up to 2 weeks.



These strongly flavored greens activate digestion and break up stagnation in the body. They make a great spring and summer condiment to add to your meal!


To see more recipes, purchase Ellen’s book here  or on Amazon here. Makes a great gift!

© 2017 All rights reserved: Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine: + 175 Recipes for Optimal Health, Ellen Goldsmith, MSOM, L.Ac., Dip.C.H., with Maya Klein, Ph.D.

About Ellen Goldsmith


Ellen Goldsmith is a nationally board certified, licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Her integrative body centered and intuitive approach is grounded in decades of study and experience which are key to collaborating and working with people to help them reach their goals.

She is known for her enduring confidence that each person has the power within to resolve challenges, grow and heal.

From working with AIDS patients in the 80s, to trauma survivors, to performing artists, to high functioning professionals, elders and young people, Ellen is deeply equipped to guide people through challenging issues.


Healing Through Modern Science and Eastern Medicine


Baked Spiced Rhubarb