Healing Through Chinese Medicine and Embracing Nature
Dr. Heiner Fruehauf is a professor, thought leader, and classical Chinese medicine practitioner at his clinic, The Healing Order. In this enlightening episode, we speak about his own early cancer diagnosis, which propelled him into the realm of holistic medicine, and how he intricately navigates the realms of body, energy, and consciousness. He movingly explains his belief that the body is naturally equipped to heal itself and shows us a simple yet effective 5-minute healing practice.
Healing Through Modern Science and Eastern Medicine
Dr. Laurie Regan, friend and colleague of The Healing Order, shares how the stories we tell ourselves can influence the nervous system, how unexpressed love can manifest as disease, and how reconnecting with blocked parts can help us regain health. There’s so much to be learned from our conversation, but her key message? Despite trauma or disease, at our deepest level, our bodies are never broken.
For Winter: Nourishing Lamb Stew with Butternut Squash and Dang Gui
This lamb stew is a family favorite.
I do not often eat lamb, but I know when I need it; in the cold, dark, damp days of winter in the Pacific Northwest. This is a star recipe in the Winter section of recipes in my book Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine: +175 Recipes for Optimal Health.
This nourishing and comforting lamb stew is perfect if you often tend to feel cold. The addition of warming and aromatic spices further enhances its healing qualities. The recipe was inspired by and adapted from a recipe by Nina Simonds in her book A Spoonful of Ginger. I’ve added herbs that are typical in Chinese medicinal soups; they are especially beneficial for women and people with circulation issues. Serve as-is or over steamed brown rice.
Thriving During the Holiday Season with Chinese Medicine (with Warming Winter Squash Soup Recipe)
Thriving during the holidays is different for each person. The winter season when yin is at its apex is a season of regeneration. If we listen to the cycle of the days, we will naturally seek warmth and more rest, warmer and slower cooked foods. This is a time of nourishing our yin and protecting our yang, to restore our innermost treasures. Soon we will be at the darkest and most yin time of the year, the Winter Solstice.
Read more of this thoughtful post, which includes a nourishing Winter Squash Soup recipe.
Thoughts on Coronavirus Prevention and Treatment with Chinese Medicine
Dr. Fruehauf offers important insights for the Chinese medicine etiology and potential treatment approaches to the coronavirus epidemic using Chinese herbal medicine; based on medical treatment reports from China and his own clinical experience during the recent flu season.
The Role of Chinese Medicine in the COVID-19 Epidemic (transcript)
Transcript of a 2-hour video lecture from a COVID-19 hospital in Wuhan, delivered by the prominent Chinese medicine scholar-physician Liu Lihong. Dr. Liu describes the important role of Chinese medicine in the treatment of this epidemic, and emphasizes the importance of the classical six-phase approach in diagnosis.