PennyLea M., Boise, ID

“I have nothing but the deepest respect and gratitude for the work of everyone at Hai Shan Clinic [now The Healing Order]. A lifetime of chronic illness had left me with no more viable options in the world of Western-style medicine. Hai Shan Clinic is where I finally have had the experience of being seen and heard. I am finding healing...something I have always sought but never achieved in a way I have always believed to be possible.

With a vast and deep understanding of Chinese medicine, the support of all who work at Hai Shan Clinic, the loving generosity of the Plant and Animal Kingdoms, and my own capacity and willingness to do the work and make the changes to heal, I am finding extraordinary results on all levels of my health, well-being and Spirit.”


Stephen B., Portland, OR


George M., Boise, ID